This year's awards were dominated by one very specific project… how quickly will you guess what it is?
Tecnologia més adoptada
Atorgat a la tecnologia amb la progressió més gran de "ho tornaria a usar" any rere any.
Vite continues to be the fastest-growing library out there, with a +25% year-over-year increase in usage!
Satisfacció més alta
Atorgat a la tecnologia amb el percentatge més alt d'usuaris satisfets.
Vite once again takes the top spot, with 98% of developers willing to use it again!
Interès més alt
Atorgat a la tecnologia que més interès desperta per ser apresa un cop se'n té el coneixement.
Did you guess Vite? Close, but this year Vitest is the technology developers are most interested in with a 79% interest ratio.
Major respostes escrites
Atorgat a l'element amb el major nombre de respostes escrites
With 353 mentions, Bun was the most mentioned technology overall in freeform questions.
Most Commented Library
Awarded to the library which received the most comments.
With 119 comments, React showed that it's once again the most-discussed library around.