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Les choses qui sont sorties cette année.

Technologie la plus adoptée

Accordée à la technologie ayant la mention “Je l'utiliserai à nouveau” progressant le plus rapidement année après année.
Vite continues to be the fastest-growing library out there, with a +25% year-over-year increase in usage!

Les Récompensés

2. esbuild: +21%
3. Vitest: +20%

Satisfaction la plus haute

Accordée à la technologie avec le plus haut pourcentage d'utilisateurs satisfaits.
Vite once again takes the top spot, with 98% of developers willing to use it again!

Les Récompensés

2. Vitest: 96%
3. Playwright: 95%

Intérêt le plus élevé

Accordée à la technologie la plus intéressante selon les développeurs qui l'ont découverte.
Did you guess Vite? Close, but this year Vitest is the technology developers are most interested in with a 79% interest ratio.

Les Récompensés

2. Vite: 77%
3. Playwright: 76%

Le plus de commentaires

Accordée à l'item ayant reçu le plus de réponses écrites
With 353 mentions, Bun was the most mentioned technology overall in freeform questions.

Les Récompensés

2. Astro: 299
3. Ember: 81

Most Commented Library

Awarded to the library which received the most comments.
With 119 comments, React showed that it's once again the most-discussed library around.

Les Récompensés

2. Next.js: 92
3. Storybook: 72

Most Loved Library

Awarded to the technology with the highest proportion of positive opinions.
With 88.7% of all developers having a positive opinion of it, Vite concludes its sweep of these awards by being the most-loved technology around!

Les Récompensés

2. Jest: 73.2%
3. React: 71.2%