This year we put special emphasis on identifying developer pain points with JavaScript. As one might expect, the lack of native typing and browser inconsistencies led their respective charts, each affecting nearly a third of developers.
Ligazón á secciónCaracterísticas da sintaxe
Cales das seguintes características da sintaxe usaches?
Ligazón á secciónFuncións de cadeas de texto
Cales das seguintes funcións de cadeas de texto empregaches?
Ligazón á secciónFuncións de Array
Cales das seguintes funcións de array empregaches?
Ligazón á secciónFuncionalidades asíncronas
Cales das seguintes funcionalidades asíncronas empregaches?
We asked members of the JavaScript community to share their “pick of the year”
My 2023 Pick: Replicache
No technology has had a bigger impact on the quality of what I've shipped in years. I think they are carrying the torch on pushing what can be done on the web.
We asked members of the JavaScript community to share their “pick of the year”
Ligazón á secciónAPIs de navegador
Cales das seguintes APIs de navegador empregaches?
Ligazón á secciónInconvenientes da linguaxe
Cales son os principais inconvenientes que atopches relativos á linguaxe JavaScript?
(resposta libre)
Ligazón á secciónInconvenientes das APIs do navegador
Cales son os principais inconvenientes que atopches relativos ás APIs do navegador?
(resposta libre)
We asked members of the JavaScript community to share their “pick of the year”
My 2023 Pick: Alba Silvente Fuentes
Alba writes about frontend development, web architecture, and web performance, spoke at many conferences, and has a podcast, "No me da la vida". She has been inspiring many devs, and I'm one of them!
We asked members of the JavaScript community to share their “pick of the year”
Arisa Fukuzaki
Senior DevRel Engineer & Docs at Storyblok
Ligazón á secciónLista de lectura
Cantos enquistados engadiron elementos á súa lista de lectura?
Ligazón á secciónRecursos recomendados
Test Your JavaScript Knowledge
Challenge your core knowledge of JavaScript with 50 interactive quiz questions covering topics like the event loop, scopes and closures, the "this" keyword, classes and prototypes, garbage collection, and more!
JavaScript: The Hard Parts, v2
Combining mental models of JavaScript's inner workings and hands-on programming challenges, this course will give you a solid understanding of callbacks and higher-order functions, closure, asynchronous JavaScript, and object-oriented JavaScript.
Grazas aos nosos colaboradores por darnos o seu apoio! Saber máis.