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Link către secțiuneBuild Tools Ratios Over Time
Link către secțiuneBuild Tools Experience & Sentiment
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- Used it: Respondents who have used an item.
- Heard of it: Respondents who have heard about an item, but haven't used it.
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- Positive: Respondents who are interested in learning more about a technology; or are willing to use it again.
- Neutral: Responents who did not indicate any sentiment about a technology.
- Negative: Respondents who are not interested in learning more about a technology; or have used it and had a negative experience.
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Link către secțiuneOther Build Tools
We asked members of the JavaScript community to share their “pick of the year”
My 2023 Pick: AutoAnimate
Formkit's AutoAnimate library, which you can see in action right here on this site, does exactly what its name implies and somehow figures out how to add animations to your apps with a single line of code!
We asked members of the JavaScript community to share their “pick of the year”
Sacha Greif
State of JS creator
Link către secțiuneSatisfacția față de instrumentele de build
Cât de mulțumit(ă) ești de starea generală a instrumentelor de build?
Link către secțiunePuncte slabe ale instrumentelor de build
Care sunt punctele slabe pe care le-ai întâlnit la instrumentele de build?
(întrebare deschisă)
Link către secțiuneResurse recomandate
Tour Vite's capabilities include bundling, optimizing static assets, hot module reloading, and its rich plugin ecosystem. Integrate Vite with popular frameworks like React and Svelte and leverage dynamic imports for code splitting.
Webpack 4 Fundamentals
Webpack enables you to integrate your favorite tools and take control of how you deliver your JavaScript, CSS, and more!
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